Digestive Concerns and IBS

Digestive Concerns And IBS
Gas? Bloating? IBS? Food sensitivities? Since the gastrointestinal system is a fascinating, yet complicated, body system, an individualized treatment approach always yields the best results. The primary goal of naturopathic medicine is to address the cause of your illness, rather than only focus on suppressing your symptoms. Essentially, it means discovering the “why” of your health concern. Milton Naturopath Dr. Katie ND and Dr. Michelle ND take the time to understand your health concern fully, including what may be aggravating your digestive tract, and offer evidence-based natural solutions to help rebalance digestion and repair your digestive system.
Research suggests that the following may have a negative impact on digestive health:
- food sensitivities
- high stress levels
- altered intestinal microbial levels
- lifestyle habits, including lack of exercise
- inadequate nutrition
Digestive concerns successfully treated with natural medicine or acupuncture:
- indigestion, bloating
- heartburn, GERD
- candida
- colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- ulcers (stomach and intestinal)
- recurrent mouth sores
- hemorrhoids
- constipation or diarrhea
- and more
Questions? To book an appointment, please check our online schedule: https://drkatiefeelhealthy.as.me